The Bible Breakdown

Job 10: God, Have You Rejected Me?

August 26, 2024 Brandon Cannon Episode 502

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Remember the sheer anxiety of asking someone if they liked you back in school? Imagine that multiplied by a thousand, with the stakes being your very sense of divine purpose. Join us on the Bible Breakdown podcast as Pastor Brandon guides us through Job Chapter 10, where we explore Job's heart-wrenching plea to God. We dive deep into Job's raw and honest dialogue, questioning whether he has been abandoned by his Creator amidst his profound suffering. Pastor Brandon draws a poignant analogy, comparing Job's fear of divine rejection to the anxiety we’ve all felt when facing uncertainty in relationships. This episode will resonate deeply with anyone who has experienced despair and depression, offering a profound reflection on trusting in God's unwavering love even when it feels absent.

But that's not all; we also focus on how to find encouragement and guidance during our most challenging times. Pastor Brandon emphasizes the importance of seeking both divine and professional help when battling dark emotions. The conversation includes actionable advice on supporting and praying for those in need, reinforcing the strength found in community and faith. We wrap up with a heartfelt prayer for healing and courage, underscoring Job’s unwavering trust in God's plan despite his trials. Inspired by Job's testimony in Job 1:21, we end on a hopeful note, reminding us that everything comes from the Lord and encouraging listeners to find solace in this profound truth.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello everybody. Welcome back to the Bible Breakdown podcast with your host, pastor Brandon, today, job, chapter 10. Today's title is God, have you rejected me? God, I just need to know have you rejected me?

Speaker 1:

Today's chapter is so sad and it reminds me of okay, none of y'all ever did this and I'm not admitting to ever doing this, but remember when you were in junior high, or maybe almost junior high, and you liked a young lady and you wanted to know for sure if she liked you back. And so what you would do is you take a sheet of paper this is old school, okay, this is old school Take a sheet of paper and you write at the top of the paper Do you like me? And you have two check marks yes or no. And if you weren't so confident, you have one third one that said, maybe Do you like me, yes or no? Or maybe Fold that thing up and you'd hand it to them and you'd have to run away. You didn't want to risk them saying they didn't like you in front of anybody, right? And it's almost like Job is handing God that and he's afraid he's going to put maybe or no. He's just God, if you rejected me. It's so sad, but I wonder if we can identify with Job a little bit and we'll see what God's word is going to say to us today and always. If you like what we're doing here, make sure you like, share and subscribe to the YouTube channel and to the podcast. And for some of you, I would love for you to put in the comment section of the YouTube channel or go to the Bible Breakdown discussion group on Facebook and end those devotions.

Speaker 1:

Give us some of your testimonies Sometimes, when you trusted God's wisdom in suffering and what God did. Because sometimes, when you're at the bottom level of just what's going on, you ask the question God, have you rejected me? God, have you given up on me? Now, if you've been around God for very long, if you read God's word very much, god's word says he would never leave us, never forsake us. His love never, never quits on us. But it feels like it sometimes, and that's where Job is today. And you know we like to talk about joy and happiness and all of that, but one of the good things about Job is Job's raw, job's honest, and Job reminds us not every day is full of sunshine and rainbows, but every day can be filled with knowing the truth to the question God, have you rejected me? Let's read this together and see what God's word will say to us.

Speaker 1:

Job, chapter 10, verse 1 says this I am disgusted with my life, wow. Chapter 10, verse 1 says this I am disgusted with my life, wow. Thanks for the happy note there, joe. Let me complain freely. Oh, here we go. My bitter soul must complain. Ever been there?

Speaker 1:

I will say to God don't simply condemn me. Tell me the charge you are bringing against me. What do you gain by oppressing me? Why do you reject me, the work of your own hands, while smiling on the schemes of the wicked? Are your eyes like those of a human? Do you see things only as people see them? Is your lifetime only as long as ours? Is your life so short that you must quickly probe for my guilt and search for my sin, although you know I'm not guilty?

Speaker 1:

No one can rescue me from your hands. You formed me with your hands. You made me, yet now you completely destroy me. Remember that you made me from dust. You turn me back to dust so soon. You guided my conception and formed me in the womb. You clothed me with skin and flesh and you knit my bones and sinews together. You gave me life and showed me your unfailing love. My life was perfect, preserved by your care.

Speaker 1:

Yet your real motive, your true intent, was to watch me, and if I sinned, you would not forgive my guilt. If I am guilty, too bad for me. And even if I am innocent, you can't hold. I can't hold my head high because I am filled with shame and misery, and if I hold my head high, you will hunt me like a lion and display your awesome power against me. Again and again, you witness against me, you pour out your growing anger on me and you bring fresh armies against me. Why, then, did you deliver me from my mother's womb? Why didn't you let me die at birth? It would be as though I had never existed, going directly from my mother's womb to the grave.

Speaker 1:

I have only a few days left, so leave me alone that I might have a moment of comfort before I leave, never to return for the land of darkness and utter gloom. It is a land of dark that is as dark as midnight, a land of gloom and confusion where even the light is dark as midnight. That's called depression. Job is depressed, and if you've ever been depressed, there you go. You know exactly what Job is going through. But our challenge today is have you ever been in that place when you just don't want to try anymore?

Speaker 1:

I was talking to someone the other day and they were worried about their spouse because their spouse had just gotten to a place where they just weren't trying to get better anymore. They weren't trying to get out of that funk. You know that dark place that they were in and they were like Pastor, what do I do? And I said, first of all, the only thing you can do is pray, because when you get into that space, only God can reach them. Number two is you reach out for some help as well and you get them some professional help who have the skills and have the tools to assist God in that process. But make no mistake, god is the only one that can reach that far down. And can I tell you, if you're in that space, the last thing you should do is give up because you're in a serious space. Job was in a serious space. When you even get to the place where you say I shouldn't even live anymore, that's a serious space. Don't ever play with that.

Speaker 1:

But I've got good news for you. Number one is you are loved more than you can imagine. Your life is valuable. What a disrespect it would be to God to end your life. He gave it to you. Don't throw it away, but don't try to do it alone. If you're in that space right now, can I tell you you are loved and you are valued and you are seen by God. And so love God enough and honor his work in you enough to reach out for help, ask someone for help. Tell someone I'm not alone. Okay, I guarantee you, whoever you tell, when they see the sincerity in your eyes, it's not a joke, it's not to be played with they're going to help you because they love you and they want to help you.

Speaker 1:

And if you know someone like that, can I tell you, as someone who's been depressed before. Sometimes we don't have the words, we don't know how to say help me. And so if you see someone like that, the very first thing you do is you pray for them. You pray that the power of God will begin to lift them to a place where they can see what's going on. And then, number two, you don't wait for them to come to you. You go to them. Hey, I love you too much to let you stay like this. I'm not even going to act like I got the answers, but you're not going to sit here alone and watch what God will do. That's what I wish so bad Job's friends would have done. Because the question he's asking basically is God, if you rejected me? And you know what Job's friends should have said? Absolutely not. Listen, my dude. You got friends all around you.

Speaker 1:

Now, unfortunately, job's friends are terrible and they're going to say all the wrong things, but that doesn't have to be us. So let me do it one more time. Say it one more time, then we're going to pray. Number one if you're the one who's in that valley or in that pit, can I tell you number one God loves you, he has not rejected you, he is not mad at you, he is not against you, he is for you more than you can imagine, and so turn to him and ask for help. No one's going to make fun of you. If they do, they're not a friend, but rather you might be surprised at how much they're going to be honored that you came to them.

Speaker 1:

Number two is if you see someone who's in that valley, number one is you pray for them, because only the power of God can rescue them. But then, number two you put feet on your prayers and you go to them and you say I don't have all the answers. But one thing I do know is you're not going to be in this valley alone and you go and you be with them and then whatever next steps they're willing to take, you take and watch what God will do. You might be the miracle that God wants to use to save somebody's life. Let's pray together, god. Thank you so much for today. Thank you, god, that your healing power is available right now. God, I speak to everyone right now who is going through the deepest, darkest valley they've ever been through. I pray for healing for them. I pray, lord, for a beam of light, spiritually, to touch their soul right now and remind them that all is not lost, but you are for them more than they can imagine. Lord, I pray for those who see others like that, that you'll give them the courage, lord, that they won't be filled with the lie of the enemy that just says leave them to somebody else, but realize that you've put them in their life for such a time as this and that first of all they'll pray and then they will act according to what you give them, lord, the desire to do, and they'll take the next step and watch miracles happen. In Jesus name, we pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

And then what God's Word says in Job 1, verse 21,. I came naked from my mother's womb and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord. What Job is saying is my testimony. Everything I have comes from the Lord, so I trust Him. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow. For Job 11.

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