The Bible Breakdown

Job 11: Sometimes, People Just Don't Get It

August 27, 2024 Brandon Cannon Episode 503

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Can misguided advice during times of distress lead us astray? Join us as we dissect Job's encounter with his third friend, Zophar, in Job 11. Zophar's harsh insistence that Job's suffering stems from unconfessed sin serves as a powerful example of how even well-meaning friends can miss the mark. We delve into the importance of maintaining faith in God's wisdom, especially when those around us fail to understand our pain. This episode illuminates the profound message of persevering through suffering and trusting in divine wisdom amidst life's most challenging moments.

Moving forward, we shift our focus to overcoming shame through God's boundless forgiveness. Drawing from Zophar's counsel and the wisdom of Job 1:21, we explore the transformative power of repentance and how the consequences of our actions don't diminish God's love for us. Discover how releasing shame and fully embracing God's forgiveness can restore joy and strengthen your relationship with Him, even during the most trying seasons. We wrap up this heartfelt discussion with a prayer, seeking divine presence and support in our journey towards faith and grace. Tune in for an episode filled with hope and encouragement, guiding you to find solace in God's unwavering love.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello everybody. Welcome back to the Bible Breakdown Podcast with your host, pastor Brandon. Today, job, chapter 11, and today's title is Sometimes People Just Don't Get it. Sometimes people just don't get it. We're going to get introduced to Job's third friend and it's like the three stooges man. I don't know if he's Larry, moe or Curly, but all three of them are getting it wrong. But hey, you know what? What are friends for? It's going to be awesome, it's going to be good.

Speaker 1:

The main message today is going to be don't give up, even when people don't understand. We'll get into that in just a moment. But first, if you like what we're doing here, make sure you like, share and subscribe to the YouTube channel and the podcast. Make sure you turn so you know when we're getting them. Also, make sure that you are doing two things. First of all, you go to the Bible Breakdown Discussion on Facebook. It's a Facebook group where you get devotions every single day and they do an amazing job sharing God's Word with us. It's such an encouragement every day. And then also make sure that you are subscribed to our text messages. We will send you a text message of the link to every day's podcast and YouTube videos if you will text RLCBIBLE, so RLC, real Life Church, rlcbible to 94000. And we will send it to you every morning so you have that and you can start your day with God's Word. And we'd love to do that together. Okay, we have your Bible.

Speaker 1:

I want to open it up with me to Job, chapter 11. Remember, the overall theme of Job, in kind of a bird's eye view, is trusting God's wisdom in suffering. And if you're just now joining us, what's been happening is in Job 1, job lost everything. I mean he well, he lost everything except a vengeful, spiteful, bitter, mean wife. Okay, just calling it like I see it all right. And she even tells Job listen, why don't you just curse? Calling it like I see it All right. And she even tells Job listen, why don't you just curse God and go end your life, just go die. And he's like you are a foolish woman. He just puts it back on her and says you know, naked I came, naked I'll go. Blessed be the name of the Lord. God ain't ever done me no wrong. You know that kind of thing. Well then Job, I mean, he's sick, he's lost everything and he has some friends come see him and they just continually tell him the wrong thing. I mean, they're just telling him that it's all Job's fault. If Job would just quit being bad, god would fix it. You know all this kind of stuff, and every time there's a new friend that comes in, you think, okay, this friend will get it right. Okay, he will do it. Friend that comes in, you think okay, this friend will get it right. Okay, he will do it. Well, here comes a new friend, job, chapter 11, and based on our title, you can guess how helpful he is. So if you're ready, job, chapter 11, verse 1, says this. Then so far.

Speaker 1:

The Mahathahite replied to Job. Shouldn't someone answer this torrent of words? Is a person proved innocent just by talking a lot? Gee, thanks, buddy. Should I remain silent while you babble on?

Speaker 1:

When you mock God, shouldn't someone make you ashamed? You claim my beliefs are pure and I am clean in the sight of God. If only God would speak, if only he would tell you what he thinks, and if only he would tell me or tell you what he thinks, and if only he would tell you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom is not a simple matter. Listen, god is doubtless punishing you far less than you deserve. Pause. Thanks, buddy. God's punishing me less than I deserve. I appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

Come on, man.

Speaker 1:

What are friends?

Speaker 1:

For you know what?

Speaker 1:

Verse seven Can you solve the mysteries of God? Can you discover anything about the Almighty? Such knowledge is higher than the heavens. And who are you? It is deeper than the underworld. What do you know? It is broader than the earth and wider than the sea. If God comes and puts a person in prison or calls the court to order, who can stop him? For he knows those who are false and he takes note of all their sins.

Speaker 1:

An empty-headed person won't become wise, any more than a wild donkey can bear a human child. If only you would prepare your heart and lift up your hands to him in prayer, get rid of your sins and leave all your iniquity behind you. Then your face would brighten with innocence. You will be strong and free of fear. You will forget your misery and it will be like flowing water flowing away. Your life will be brighter than the noonday. Even darkness will be as bright as morning. Having hope will give you courage and you will be protected and will rest in safety. And you will lie down unafraid and many will look to you for help. But the wicked will be blinded and they will have no escape. There is only hope death for them. Do you know that?

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing about Mr Z. Mr Z is actually saying the perfect right thing if Job was in unconfessed sin. Notice how he says, you know, starting from verse 14, no, verse 13,. He talks about opening up your heart, confessing your sins to God, and then he talks about what happens when God washes away our sins. He talks about how you feel free and clear and that freedom gives you courage, because you know that, no matter what I face now, I have God with me and I don't have any sin in my life. He says the right things If someone was in unconfessed sin. So remember, a few chapters ago we talked about how we don't ever need to assume. Well, mr Z here Zophar. He is assuming that the reason why Job is going through all of this is because he's in unconfessed sin and that unconfessed sin is causing him to get deeper and deeper and deeper into destruction. That's what he thinks. Well, remember the title. Sometimes people just don't get it. And over and over again, job is saying look, look, my brothers, I've not sinned. Please tell me, tell you.

Speaker 1:

There's times when we are certain someone deserves what they're going through. And you know, the worst part is is when we are certain we deserve the difficult seasons we're going through. Can I tell you God is not in the business of punishing his children, like we think Now. The Bible says that whom he loves, he disciplines, and there are seasons of discipline. But God disciplines you in order to help you grow and help you develop.

Speaker 1:

What we think God is doing sometimes is not discipline. It's cruel and unusual and it's not God many times, because there's a difference between conviction and condemnation. Condemnation says you're never going to be good enough. You deserve what you're getting. You might as well just go end it. Conviction says hey, what you did was sin. It hurt the heart of God. Let's go run to God and make it better. That's what God does. God allows us to come to him. The other stuff pulls us away, and so there's a big difference.

Speaker 1:

And so I want to say in your life, if you feel like that what you're going through is something that you deserve, or if someone else has told you you deserve it, now let's think about it for a moment. Is what you're going through, is it drawing you closer to God or is it drawing you away from him? That's one way to know why you're going through what you're going through. Now let's talk practical here. Now, if you went and robbed a bank and you're currently listening to this from inside jail, you are receiving the punishment for what you did, right.

Speaker 1:

But when it comes to sin, once you've repented of that sin, there may be consequences to what has happened, but that consequences doesn't mean that God doesn't love you anymore. It means you may be going through that, but you don't have to go through that with shame, because, yes, I'm paying the price for the sin I've committed, but there's no shame attached to it because the Lord has forgiven me. So think about it. Is what you're going through? Is it causing you to draw away from God or to run toward him? Because even when we have to pay for sins that we've committed, there is no shame there. We've given it to the Lord.

Speaker 1:

And some people just don't understand that. I've known people who were paying horrible prices for past sins, but they had the joy of the Lord in their life and basically what they told me was hey, you know what I am paying for sins I've committed. It's the cost of sin, but you know what? I've been forgiven and so the sting of it is gone. And then I've known other people who are in much less of a difficult situation, but we're just struggling, and when you ask them it's because they had ran away from God and because of that God wasn't able to heal them on the inside.

Speaker 1:

So I would say Zophar has got a really good example lesson for us if we're in sin, but if we're not and many times we're not we're just going through a difficult season. And so instead of letting other people tell you what you're going through, maybe it's time for us to get along with God and go God. I just nobody else gets it right now, but I know you do, and so, just in case, I just turn it all over to you and let God wash away all the shame from what's going on in your life and even if you still have to go through a season, there can be joy there because you are in a right relationship with God. I don't know how that's going to hit you today, but my hope is that the Lord will show you that maybe it's time you stop grieving over the season you're in. He's forgiven you If you were even there because of sin? It may not be. It's maybe just because something bad. But if it was because of sin, god's already forgiven you and there's no sense in you having shame anymore. And if you are experiencing shame, realize that God didn't give you that and if there's unconfessed sin, confess it to him. Let him wash it away and experience joy in your life.

Speaker 1:

Today. Let's pray together. God, thank you so much that you are with us and you are for us more than we can imagine. And, lord, even though sometimes other people don't get it, I'm so glad that you do. I'm so glad that you're for us and you are with us. I pray that you'll help us all to run to you today. In Jesus' name. We pray Amen and what God's word says in Job 1, verse 21,. I came naked from my mother's womb. I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow. For Job, chapter 12.

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