The Bible Breakdown

Job 25: God is Greater

September 11, 2024 Brandon Cannon Episode 518

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Ever wonder how a child's Halloween candy can teach us about God's infinite wisdom? As we explore Job, chapter 25, we'll dive into Bildad's response to Job and uncover the profound theme that "God is Greater." Through a personal anecdote about managing my children's Halloween candy, I'll illustrate the challenge of trusting God's wisdom, especially when His plans seem to conflict with our own desires. This episode emphasizes the enormity of God's power and wisdom in contrast to our human limitations, encouraging us to embrace His greater plan even when it baffles us.

Moving forward, we'll reflect on the importance of trusting God, even when His actions are beyond our understanding. Drawing inspiration from Job 1:21, we tackle the challenging yet powerful prayer of surrender, inviting you to trust in God's greater wisdom and plan regardless of the outcome. By adopting this mindset, we can find peace in knowing that His ways are higher than ours. We'll conclude with a heartfelt prayer, reaffirming our trust in God's sovereignty and love, and invite you to join us on this journey of faith and trust.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello everybody. Welcome back to the Bible Breakdown podcast with your host, Pastor Brandon, Today. Job, chapter 25. Today's title is God is Greater. God is Greater. We're going to talk about the idea of how, no matter how big we think God is, God is actually bigger than that, and we're going to kind of have a thought experiment that I want to leave you with because it's a very short chapter today. But before we do that, as always, if you like what we're doing here, make sure you like, share and subscribe to the YouTube channel and the podcast. Make sure you're commenting on these YouTube videos I love interacting with you. Also, leave us a five-star review on the podcast it really does help us in those search algorithms and search algorithms and make sure you are joining the RLC slash Bible Breakdown community at what is it called the Bible Breakdown Discussion Group on Facebook. My mind went completely blank there, but we're back right. Bible Breakdown Discussion on Facebook, because there's some amazing devotions happening there every day and the more we dig, the more we find, and that is definitely true when it comes to going through God's Word and when it comes to going through God's Word in the book of Job. So, if you have your Bibles.

Speaker 1:

I want to open up with me to Job, chapter 25. You could be reading out of the New Living Translation, and the idea is God is greater than we can imagine. And so what's going to happen today is Bill Dad, Billy the Dad. He is going to respond to some of what Job is saying, because Job has been talking about how big God is and all of this, and Bildad is going to double down on that and go no, he's really, really big. And then in the next chapters Job is going to take that theme and even do more with it. But the idea behind this is remember, the overall theme of the book of Job is trusting God's wisdom in suffering, and part of that is trusting God when we don't always understand. And we're going to read what Bildad has to say about how big God is, and then I want to leave you with an idea that maybe can turn into a thought experiment that you can process through today. So, if you're ready, Bildad's third response to Job, Job 25, verse 1, says this able to count his heavenly army, Doesn't his light shine on all the earth?

Speaker 1:

How can a mortal be innocent before God? Can anyone born of a woman be pure? God is more glorious than the moon. He shines brighter than the stars. In comparison, people are maggots Wow, thank you. And we mortals are mere worms. So I know he's not saying that we are worms. He's saying, compared to God, we are, which is true. But you notice, what he's saying is he's saying God is just so very big and so very powerful and comparatively, we're like insects, you know, based on how big God is, and really we're not even that right.

Speaker 1:

Well, the reason why I want to give you a thought experiment on this is because God is bigger than we are. That's a fun thought when we think about how big the universe is. And I like to say all the time I don't want to serve God that I can fit inside my head. I want to serve a God that defies expectation and every once in a while, makes me scratch my head and go, wow, that's awesome. Well, that's fun and wonderful when we think about how big the universe is.

Speaker 1:

What about when God decides to go left, when we really thought he ought to go right, when we really thought that it was time for us to start a family? But up to this point, God has not let us start that family yet, or we really thought that if we had this particular job, we could support our family, we could have our evenings off to be with our family, we could do all this, but then God keeps us in a job we don't like, working too many hours with not enough money. God, I just simply don't understand. And I get that you're greater than I am, but I just don't understand. And it reminds me when my girls were little.

Speaker 1:

We would go out on a Halloween night and we would go around to some of the houses in the neighborhood and we would do the trick-or-treating thing, right, and we would always have this rule that said you can have as much candy as you want that first night. The next night we were going to limit on how much you could have, and I think one year we even did this whole thing of you can have as much as you want for 24 hours, and then we were going to throw the rest away. Well, that sounded great when we hadn't had the candy yet, right? And then it sounded wonderful during that 24 hour period when it came to our girls. But as soon as that timeframe was over with and I can't remember if we threw it away or we limited it, but either way, they didn't have complete access to it.

Speaker 1:

All of a sudden, when it wasn't what they would have wanted, all of a sudden, they didn't understand why would you do that? Why would a loving father not let me have all my candy? I earned this. I want just all this stuff. And I would try to explain to my girls. Well, girls, the reason why is because it's actually not that good for you and it will do this or do that. It'll hurt your stomach, You'll get sick if you eat too much candy. No, I won't All this.

Speaker 1:

It didn't matter how much I tried to explain it, they weren't going to get it. Until finally I just would have to say listen, I know you don't get it. You're just going to have to trust me. And I wonder if it's like that with God. A lot of times, a lot of times, God would tell us I can explain to you why I didn't give you that job. Because actually, if you'd gotten that job, it would. It wouldn't have worked out for you because of X, Y and Z and all this kind of stuff. And we go no, that's not it, that wouldn't have worked. And I wonder how many times God's just like you know what. You're just going to have to trust me. I promise you, I'm on your team. I promise you I'm doing the very best for you. You're just not always going to get it. That's why I love the idea of Bildad referring to people as insects compared to, or worms compared to God, Because I love this statement one time that says sometimes God explaining to us what he's doing would be like trying to explain calculus to an ant.

Speaker 1:

If you think about it, how would you even begin that? There's a language barrier, there's an intelligence barrier, there's a spatial barrier, there's all these problems that you'd have to solve just so you could communicate. Then you'd have to teach math, then algebra. I mean, there's just too many barriers. And because God is so much more complex than we are, I think that on this side of eternity, if he were to try to explain to us everything he's doing, it doesn't matter how we would do it. We wouldn't understand it because we are not infinite in the way God is, which is why we have to choose to trust that God. You're greater than I am.

Speaker 1:

Therefore, I trust that there are some things that, on this side of heaven, I'm simply not going to get, which leads me to the thought experiment, and that is this what would it look like in your life if your prayer today was God? I really would like for you to do X, Y, Z, whatever it is. But then you say God, I choose to trust you, even when I don't understand. That sounds easy, but think about it. Whatever it is you're suffering with, if it's a sickness, if it's a relationship situation, if it's something that you really want God to do this but you're pretty sure he's probably going to do that can you trust God enough to say God, if you choose not to do it my way, okay, If you can have the courage to pray that kind of prayer, I'm telling you there is a peace that comes on the other side when you can be honest and say God, I'd really rather you do it my way. But even if you don't, I still trust you because you're greater than me.

Speaker 1:

Let's pray together, God. Thank you so much for today. Thank you, God, that you are greater than we can imagine. And God, since you are greater. There are going to be times when you do things that we don't understand, and that's wonderful, when you do things better than we expected. But what about when you do things that seem worse. Well, we choose today to trust you even then. We trust, God, that you are the God who came to this earth. Jesus, you died on a cross for us. You rose again so that we could be saved, and if you're willing to do that, there's nothing that you can't do. So, God, we trust you with the things that we do understand and we trust you even more with the things that we don't. In Jesus' name, we pray amen, Amen. Well, God's word says in Job 1, verse 21, naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I will return. The Lord gave me what I had and the Lord has taken it away, but praise the name of the Lord. In other words, God owns it all. So I trust him with.

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