The Bible Breakdown

Job 26: A Whisper of His Power

September 12, 2024 Brandon Cannon Episode 519

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Have you ever wondered just how powerful God truly is? Join us on the Bible Breakdown Podcast with Pastor Brandon as we explore Job Chapter 26, where Job delivers a profound response to Bildad, capturing the essence of God's boundless power. Pastor Brandon brings this chapter to life with vivid illustrations, comparing the awe-inspiring elements of creation to mere whispers of what God can achieve. Through a relatable personal anecdote about the difference between raising one's voice and yelling, Pastor Brandon draws a compelling parallel to our limited perception of God's capabilities. This episode encourages deep reflection on trusting God's wisdom, especially during times of suffering, and recognizing that our understanding of His power is just scratching the surface.

In our second segment, "Trusting in God's Power," we transition into a heartfelt prayer of gratitude. We express our unwavering trust in God's grand plan, even when faced with daunting challenges. By reflecting on Job 1:21, we remind ourselves that everything we possess is a gift from God, who has the ultimate authority to give and take away. This episode offers a powerful moment of praise and trust, reaffirming our faith in the hope and truth found in God's word. With a spirit of devotion, we close in a prayer that fortifies our reliance on God's care and provision. Don't miss this inspiring and reflective journey through Job's declarations of God's omnipotence.

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The More You Dig. The More You Find.

Speaker 1:

Well, hello everybody. Welcome back to the Bible Breakdown Podcast with your host, pastor Brandon. Today, job, chapter 26, and today's title is A Whisper of His Power. A Whisper of His Power, I love that idea of God is so powerful that when we see all the amazing things in creation, we realize that's not even scratching the surface of what God is able to do. And we're going to get into that as Job responds for the ninth time. This time he's going to be responding to old Billy dad from yesterday and it's going to be awesome. But before we do that, as always, if you like what we're doing here, make sure you like, share and subscribe to the YouTube channel and the podcast. It really does help us out. Make sure that if you are not receiving a text message every day with links to the podcast and to the YouTube channel, you can text RLCBIBLE, all as one word RLCBIBLE to 94000, and you'll get those sent to your text message app, whatever it is you use, and you'll get that every morning at 5 am. That way, you can start your day with God's word. Also, you can go to the Bible Breakdown Discussion on Facebook and every day there's an amazing team of people that posts a blog entry or, excuse me, a post. That is a devotion about what we are reading and it's so wonderful and it's something I look forward to every day, going on there and seeing. And, honestly, I don't actually do that much on social media anymore, but I still go on there every day because they do such a great job. So the more we dig, the more we find, and it's an honor to do life together. If you have your Bibles, you want to open it with me to Job, chapter 26.

Speaker 1:

One time, while you're doing that, one time one of my girls was they were both talking back and forth about some times when they had gotten in trouble by their dad and they were, they were kind of talking and different things and they and one of my girls made the mistake and they said, yeah, one time dad yelled at me for this, whatever, whatever. And I was I was like wait a minute, I have never yelled at you. And they're like, yeah, you did, dad, you yelled at me. I said, tell me, tell me when. And they told me about a situation where I was trying to tell them to not, you know, run out into the street, right? So I was like hey, hey, you know.

Speaker 1:

I was like no, no, that wasn't a yell. I might have raised my voice, but to me there's a difference between raising my voice and like literally yelling. And they were like no, it's the same thing. I said, well, would you like for me to show you the difference? And one of my daughters was like no, and the other one said, yeah, I'd like to hear the yell. So I kind of cleared my throat and I was like, okay, this is me talking and this is me yelling.

Speaker 1:

And I was super loud to the point that it scared that daughter. She was like dad, are you mad at me? I was like no, I am, look at me, I'm smiling. I'm not mad, I'm just showing you the difference. And I'm just showing you the difference. And she was like that scared me half to death. And I was like, okay, well, that wasn't the point, but it reminds me of sometimes we don't know what people are capable of until they do it. And you're like, whoa Well, to the furthest extent possible.

Speaker 1:

We look at creation, we look at everything around us and we go, wow, god's amazing. Look at what God can do. But what is even more amazing is when we realize we've not even scratched the surface of what God can do. And that's what Job is going to be saying in response to Billy Dad, as we're calling him His name's Bill Dad, because yesterday, in chapter 25, bill Dad just says man, god's so big and he's so awesome and we're nothing compared to him. And Job doubles down on that. And he's going awesome and we're nothing compared to him. And Job doubles down on that and he's going to talk for the next few chapters. But he starts with this idea of God is even bigger than we can imagine. Well, remember, the overall idea of Job is trusting God's wisdom and suffering. We talked about it yesterday, but we're going to talk about it again today at the end of the chapter. How does it help us in our suffering when we realize that God is bigger than we can imagine? Let's read this together and see what God's word will say to us today. You ready Job.

Speaker 1:

Chapter 26, verse 1 says this Then Job spoke again how you have helped the powerless, how you have saved the weak, how you have enlightened my stupidity. What wise advice you have offered. Where have you gotten all these wise sayings? Whose spirit speaks through you? The dead tremble, those who live beneath the waters. The underworld is naked in God's presence. The place of destruction is uncovered. God stretches the northern sky over empty space and he hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps the rain in his thick clouds and the clouds don't burst in its weight. He covers the face of the moon, shrouding it with his clouds. He created the horizon when he separated the waters and he set the boundary between day and night and night. The fountains of heaven tremble and they shudder at his rebuke. By his power, the sea grew calm and by his skill he crushed the dead sea monster. His spirit makes the heavens beautiful and his power pierced the gliding serpent. These are just the beginning of all that he does, merely a whisper of his power. Who then can comprehend the thunder of his power?

Speaker 1:

So what Job is saying is is everything that you said God can do is not even a hint of what God actually can do? Well, if you remember yesterday, what we talked about is we talked about the idea that sometimes God will do things in our life that we don't understand, and so what we have to do is just make a decision Are we going to trust God or are we not going to trust God? And we just decided we're going to have to trust God and we don't understand Another aspect of it. I want you to realize and I have to go back to this all the time as well and that is that God is so much bigger than we can imagine, which means there's no impossible circumstances for God. You know, there are times when we've known people who get sick and the doctor's prognosis is terrible. It's hey, it's this, it's that you have 30 days to live. Well, you know what I've seen? I've seen times when God gives them that ultimate healing by taking them from this life to eternity. I've also seen when they give them 30, 60, 90 days and it's 20 years later and they're still doing well, because nothing is impossible with God.

Speaker 1:

And so, on one side, sometimes God is going to take us through seasons and situations that we don't understand, and we just have to trust God's wisdom. On other times, we need to remember that, because God is so big and because God is so powerful that there is no such thing as something that is impossible for God, and so I want to encourage you today with realizing that God is bigger than you can imagine, and so never limit what God is able to do, because God is able, according to his word, to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think. And so my question for you is what would it look like today if, instead of thinking that, wherever you are, you're stuck, or whatever season you're in, there's no way out? Instead, go God, I am willing to go through this if that's what you want me to do, because I know that if you don't want me going through this, you are able to get me out. Therefore, I trust you. I no longer have to wonder why I'm in this. Instead, I go God. What are you trying to show me? Because, the very moment that you don't want me in this situation anymore, I'll be out, because there is no limitation to your power, and if you begin to look at your suffering and your struggling from that lens, it changes how you see everything else, because you're not a victim, you're not a prisoner. Instead, you are free in God. The only reason why you're in that situation is because God has purpose for you there, and God's word says all things work together to the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. I hope that's an encouragement to you. Today, before we stop to pray.

Speaker 1:

I want to give you some little side note. Do you know what's one thing that's amazing about God's word? One of the things that sets God's word apart from other quote-unquote holy books from other religions is there are certain things that are said in certain other holy books that had to be edited over time because you're like that's just dumb right. Had to be edited over time because you're like that's just dumb right. Like, for instance, there is a place in Islam where Muhammad said that certain things just now we know medically is completely wrong. Like he just got it like very, very wrong, and so now they try to be like ah, you know, it was just an example. It's like no, he literally said that and now that is literally wrong. We know that now, but at the time because it was accepted as fact. Now it's wrong, and it was one that had to do with a part of your body was in another part, and actually it was, and it's kind of graphic. So I don't want to go into the details, but it was one that at the time everybody thought was true. But then, as we began to discover, we found out it was wrong, right, and there's other religions that get that wrong?

Speaker 1:

What about a religion that says something that sounded wrong at the time only to later, thousands of years later, to be proven right? So let me say it again At the time it was said, and it was said. God has said this it was laughable. There's no way that's true. That shows you God's not real Only years later proved to be right. Let me give an example of how that's Christianity.

Speaker 1:

In verse 7, it says God stretches out the northern sky over empty space and he hangs the earth on nothing. So, in other words, god's word teaches that if you were to step back and you look at the earth, it's not standing on anything. It is suspended in space. Did you know that about 1492 is when Columbus sailed across the ocean to see if it was round, right, and all that? Now, most people at that point thought that the earth wasn't flat. They thought it was probably round. But it was only about 100 years before that. So way before that, most people thought the earth was flat and that it was possibly standing on something else. So for thousands of years, when people read the Old Testament, especially the book of Job, they were like, ah, let's just read right over that, because that's probably not true. Well, it turns out it was true, and it's one of the many evidences in God's word that everybody else during that time would not have believed the earth was round or that the earth was suspended in space. But God's word said so, even though it seemed foolish at the time, because it was true. Just another reason to know you can trust God's word that God's word said, long before anybody believed it, that the earth is suspended in space and it is.

Speaker 1:

Let's pray together, god. Thank you so much for today. Thank you, first of all, that you are beyond powerful, that there's not even a word for what you are. You are beyond what we can find out. Therefore, we trust you today. We trust God that if we're in a situation, it's because you deem it so for our good. God. I'll be honest with you. That's hard sometimes, but we choose to trust you and we choose to believe that you have got all power. So, therefore, if we're in it, we're in it for a reason and we trust you in that and also God. I trust you that your word is true. Your word proves itself. Your word brings us hope and a future. We're thankful for you today. In Jesus' name, we pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

Job, chapter 1, verse 21, says I came naked from my mother's womb. I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had and the Lord has taken it away. But praise the name of the Lord. In other words, job is saying everything I have belongs to him. He's going to take care of me. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow for Job, chapter 27.

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