The Bible Breakdown

Job 27: I Know What I Know

September 13, 2024 Brandon Cannon Episode 520

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Can you stand firm in your convictions even when everyone around you is trying to tear you down? Join us as we uncover the powerful lessons from Job 27, where Job's integrity shines through despite his friends' relentless gaslighting. We'll delve into Job's unwavering stance against false accusations, his firm grip on the truth of God's word, and the broader implications for our own lives. This episode will encourage you to distinguish between feelings and facts and remind you of the ultimate justice that lies in God's wisdom.

As we transition to practical applications, we start with a heartfelt prayer, embracing the daily challenge of living by principle over emotion. Together, we'll explore the importance of seeking daily guidance from scripture, finding strength in God's word, and trusting His sovereignty in all circumstances. By reflecting on Job 1:21, we emphasize the acceptance of God's will in both blessings and hardships, encouraging a deeper faith and love for God. Join us for an enriching conversation on how to maintain a faith-driven life amidst life's trials.

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The More You Dig. The More You Find.

Speaker 1:

Well, hello everybody. Welcome back to the Bible Breakdown Podcast with your host, pastor Brandon, today, job, chapter 27. Today's title is simply I Know what I Know. I Know what I Know. You ever been in one of those arguments where people try to kind of gaslight you? And if you don't know what gaslighting means, it means they try to rewrite history to make you think something that's not actually true. Well, I don't know if you've been in those. I've been in those kinds of conversations before where it was both done on purpose and not done on purpose. And what we're going to see today is Job is going to begin his last speech to his so-called friends and he's going to say listen, you can try to gaslight me, you can try to make me think that I have sinned, you're going to try to make me think whatever, but you know what I know, what I know and you know, sometimes we just can't live according to our feelings and we can't live according to the opinions of others. We have to just say you know what, this is what I know and I know what I know. I'm going to stand firm on the truth of God's word and that's just going to be it, and see what God's word will do when we stand on it. Well, we're going to get into it in just a moment, but while you're getting your Bibles out and turning to Job 27, I want to tell everybody else make sure that you are liking, sharing and subscribing to the YouTube channel and the podcast. It really helps us to get the word out to other people as we are trying to build this community where we are just gathering around God's word. And I love the idea of gathering around God's word and digging into his word, because the more we dig, the more we find, which is also why you need to make sure you go every day to the Bible breakdown discussion on Facebook. There's an amazing team of people that are producing devotions every single day and giving us a little bit of a deeper or different spin on the different chapters, and it's so wonderful to see what they're writing. I look forward every day to going online and to see that devotion every day, and make sure you go. Look at that too, because it's wonderful to dig into God's word together. Well, if you have your Bibles ready with me.

Speaker 1:

Job, chapter 27,. Like I said, this is the final speech that Job is going to give to his friends, it's going to take a few chapters for him to do. He's got a lot to say, he's got a lot on his mind. But what I want you to notice as he's opening up is, for the past several chapters, job's friend, they've been trying to convince him of something that's simply not true. They've been trying to rewrite history and say, job, if you just admit that you did wrong, you'd admit that you're a horrible person and all this stuff, everything will be better. Well, job's like look, you can say what you want to say, I know what's up. And he's just saying he's going to keep his words pure and he's not going to admit to something that he didn't actually do. And I think it's important that we realize that when we are suffering, going through a hard time because, remember, the overall theme of Job is trusting God's wisdom and suffering we have to make sure we simplify Okay, what do we know and what do we assume and trust what we know, which is God's word, so that we can parse out the difference between what we know and what we feel, because many times our feelings and, unintentionally, the thoughts and feelings of others will lie to us and tell us what's not true. So let's read this together. Let's see what Job has to say and see if God's word has something to say to us today. You ready Job, chapter 27, verse 1 says this Job continued speaking I vow by the living God who has taken away my rights, by the Almighty who has embittered my soul.

Speaker 1:

As long as I live, I, and while I have breath from God, my lips will speak no evil, my tongue will speak no lies. I will never concede that you are right and I will defend my integrity until I die. I will maintain my innocence without wavering. My conscience is clear. For as long as I live, may my enemies be punished, like the wicked, my adversary, like those who do evil.

Speaker 1:

For what hope do the godless have when God cuts them off and takes away their life? Will God listen to their cry when trouble comes upon them? Can they take delight in the Almighty? Can they call to God at any time? I will teach you about God's power. I will not conceal anything concerning the Almighty, but you have seen all this. Yet you all say these useless things to me. This is what the wicked will receive from God. This is their inheritance from the Almighty. They will have many children, but the children will die in war or starve to death. Those who survive will die of a plague, and not even their widows will mourn them, even our evil people may have piles of money and they may store away mounds of clothing, but the righteous will wear that clothing and the innocent will divide that money. The wicked will build houses as fragile as a spider's web, as flimsy as a shelter made of branches. The wicked will go to bed rich, but will wake to find all their wealth is gone. Terror overwhelms them like a flood and they are blown away in the storms of the night. The east wind carries them away and they are gone. It sweeps them away, it whirls down on them without mercy and they struggle to flee from its power, but everyone jeers at them and mocks them.

Speaker 1:

So what's Job saying? He's saying listen, you keep on saying that what I've done is wrong and the way that I'm being punished or the reason I'm being punished is because I've done wrong. If I did right, everything would go right. He's like no, no, that's not true. And then he says and this is what I know to be true is that? Yes, for certain seasons people prosper, but if it's not for the right reasons, it will all be taken away from them at one point, and you're just not going to change my mind about that, and can I tell you that is an important truth to hold on to as we get ready to end our time together.

Speaker 1:

I want to challenge all of us with this Realize that material possessions, material wealth, getting ahead in life is not always an indicator of spiritual maturity. Just because you're going through a season where it appears that you're being blessed, that doesn't necessarily mean that God is in agreement with your life. That doesn't necessarily mean that God is in agreement with your life. The way you know that God is in agreement with your life is if your life lines up with his word, because there are seasons when you might experience short-term blessing but it may lead to long-term devastation that may have nothing to do with God or his blessing. So make sure you never look at well, I mean, I got that, I got that promotion. Well, I got this other. That God must be for me Not necessarily. Make sure your life lines up with God's word and don't let anybody move you from that.

Speaker 1:

I remember one time I was talking to a lady who she had found a church to go to and she loved it. Things were going wonderful and everything was great. Well, one day she told me that she was walking down her driveway to go get the mail. And as she was going to get the mail she slipped because it had been raining. She slipped and she fell and she broke her ankle like terribly. She ended up having to have surgery on it and she ended up having to stay in the hospital for a couple of days. And while she was there, there were some people who were supposed to come see her but they didn't. And then when she went home, there were people who basically told her she needed to find a new church to go to. And when she asked what was wrong, they said well, we don't know what you've done wrong in your life, but we don't really need that kind of sin at our church. What had happened was is they thought that because something bad happened to her, she must have been sinful. And then the other side was that if somebody was blessed, it must have meant that God was for them. Can I tell you many, many, many times that is not the case.

Speaker 1:

Make sure that you don't fall victim to that kind of stuff. Instead, know what you know and make sure what you know comes from God's word, because you know what God's word says. God says that in this life you will have trouble. God's word says that. I call this to mind and therefore I have hope that the love of the Lord endures forever. God's word says that even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not be afraid because God walks close beside us. Make sure that what you know comes from God's word. Therefore, what that has the opportunity to do is then you are no longer swayed by the happenings of this life. If you get a promotion, praise the Lord. If you don't get the promotion, well, praise the Lord. If something bad happens, you know what I'm going to praise the Lord. If a success happens, I'm going to praise the Lord because I'm not swayed by those different things, because what I know is found in God's word and I've chosen to live by principle over emotion.

Speaker 1:

Let's pray together, god, thank you so much for today. Thank you for the easy to say, but the hard thing of living by principle over pressure, over emotion. God, it's not easy. That's why we come back to your word every day, to remind us, remind ourselves, of what's most important. I pray God as we read your word together. You will let your word continually go deep into our hearts, renewing our minds and helping us to be closer to you every day. Because, god, as we get closer to you, the more we see what you want for our minds and helping us to be closer to you every day.

Speaker 1:

Because, god, as we get closer to you, the more we see what you want for our lives and the more we see that you are for us in every way. We celebrate you today In Jesus' name. We pray Amen and what God's Word says in Job 1, verse 21,. I came naked from my mother's womb. I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had and the Lord has taken it away. But praise the name of the Lord. In other words, I trust God with everything. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow for Job, chapter 28.

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