The Bible Breakdown

Hebrews 2: Jesus is Better at Suffering

Brandon Cannon Episode 551

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Can any amount of human suffering compare to the purposeful love found in Jesus' sacrifice? Join me as we navigate the profound themes of Hebrews 2, where we explore how Jesus exemplifies enduring love and understanding through unparalleled suffering. We'll discuss the importance of anchoring ourselves in the truth of God's word to prevent spiritual drifting. Together, we'll reflect on the divine hierarchy that places God above all, with angels and humans below, offering a clearer understanding of divine authority and purpose. We'll also highlight how miracles and the Holy Spirit's gifts serve as powerful affirmations of Jesus' message, especially for those still on the journey to belief.

Find solace in knowing that Jesus comprehends our struggles more deeply than anyone else, no judgment attached. With insights from Hebrews 12:1-2, we'll focus on shedding life's burdens by keeping our eyes on Jesus—the true champion of our faith. Together, we'll encourage a practice of prayer, reaching out to Jesus for comfort and understanding in times of isolation. Let's remind each other of the unwavering support we find in Him, while eagerly anticipating our continued exploration of Hebrews in the next chapter. Join us as we pray for those feeling alone and embrace the comforting truth of Jesus' ever-present compassion.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome back to the Bible Breakdown podcast with your host, pastor Brandon. Today Hebrews chapter 2, and today's title is Jesus is Better at Suffering. Jesus is Better at Suffering. Have you ever talked to anybody? And whatever you are, they are a little bit better. You know, if you're good at something, they're better at it. If you've got a story, they've got a better story. Well, one of the things that I've seen people do before and maybe you have too is they say misery loves company. So sometimes we're like you know, I've got this going on Well, I've got that going on Well. If there's anything that Jesus can one-up us on and he can one-up us on everything is nobody's ever suffered like Jesus and nobody's ever suffered for the right reasons and nobody's ever suffered for the right reasons and nobody has ever suffered with more love and care for all of us than Jesus. And that may sound bizarre, but we're gonna talk about it in just a moment. But, as always, if you like what we're doing here, make sure you like share, subscribe to YouTube channel and the podcast, make sure you're leaving us five-star reviews, make sure you're commenting on the YouTube videos I love to interact with you and make sure you're going to the Bible Breakdown Discussion on Facebook Because, as always, the more we dig, the more we find. And if you want to open up your Bibles with me to Hebrews 2, remember that this was primarily written to people who understood the first five books of the Old Testament. They understood that God wanted to find a way to connect fallen humanity back to Him, but the problem was we didn't even know how far we had fallen right, and so God instituted the law to help us. See, this is what a righteous, holy requirement looks like. So do your best to get there, you know. And as they would constantly fail and fall, you have sacrificial systems to get them back to that place, because that's what holiness looked like. Well, it wasn't going to work right. So, in the fullness of time, jesus came and we needed a Savior. And the book of Hebrews is all about trying to show the reader, inspire the Holy Spirit. Trying to show the reader Jesus is better. Chapter one we said Jesus is better than the angels. Today we're talking about Jesus is better at suffering. And what is that actually going to talk about? Well, we're going to see how the writer of the book of Hebrews starts off with saying we have to be so careful that we don't drift away from the truth we have been told and drift away into other things. And he was saying in Jesus divinity, though he was God, he was also man, and so he had the opportunity to experience suffering, to experience all these things, yet was faithful, as an example to all of us. One of the recurring things we're going to talk about over and over, as the overall theme is Jesus is better, is Jesus is also our model for how to live after him, how to pattern our life after him, because he showed us how to suffer. Well, let's dive into this and see what God's word has to say to us. You ready?

Speaker 1:

Hebrews, chapter 2, verse 1, is amazing, automatically, with this great warning. He says this in verse 1. So we must listen carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it, for the message God delivered through angels has always stood firm and every violation of the law and every act of disobedience was punished. Now pause Now. First of all, what the writer of Hebrews is saying is we have to be so careful to stay close to the truth. Well, that automatically begs the question are we listening to the truth every day. Now. This is definitely one of those preaching to the choir sort of things because you're listening to the Bible right now, right, those preaching to the choir sort of things because you're listening to the Bible right now, right. We have to make sure that if we miss one day, we don't miss two. Why? Because we need God's word in our lives. Because God's word says if you don't listen, you're going to drift away, and we don't want that. We want to stay close to the Lord. Let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

Verse three so what makes us think we can escape? Now pause again. What a wonderful thing, right, there is. He says do you know why God does miracles? Notice what he says. Do you know why God does miracles, why God does signs and wonders and why God gives us the gifts of the Holy Spirit? To confirm the message, can I tell you the reason why God wants to use you in a gift of the Spirit? He says to encourage and edify one another. But what does that encouragement and edification do? It confirms that God is with them. Why does God do miracles? Can I be very honest with you? I don't always understand why God would do a miracle in front of a whole bunch of Christians Because we already believe. Now, other gifts of the Spirit, sure, but a divine miracle? Miracles are for the unbeliever, so that they can believe, and I'm not saying that God doesn't do miracles among Christians. All of these things are to confirm the message that Jesus is who he says he is. And so if you want to see a miracle, get around a non-Christian and give God a chance to show himself to them and watch what happens. All right, let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

Verse five who will control the future world we are talking about? For in one place the scriptures say what are mere mortals? That you should think about them, or the son of man, that you should care for him. Yet a little while you have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor, and you gave them authority over all things. I'll pause again.

Speaker 1:

Once again, we're seeing the hierarchy of the spiritual world. You have God, way on down You've got angels, and then, just below angels, you have us as human beings. Now, that's, of course, because they're able to exist in various different dimensions. At one time, the spirit world and the physical world were able to primarily dwell in the physical world, and so there's different levels in the physical world, and so there's different levels in the spiritual world. Just something very interesting to keep up with Continue, it says now. When it says all things, it means nothing left out, but we have not yet seen all things put under their authority.

Speaker 1:

What do we see? What we do see is Jesus, who for a little while was given a position a little lower than the angels, and because he suffered death for us, now he is crowned with glory and honor. Yes, by God's grace, jesus tasted death for everyone. God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory, and it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader fit to bring them into their salvation. So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.

Speaker 1:

What he's talking about is how, when we receive salvation, we come into the family of God. We are adopted into the family of God Verse 12,. For he said to God I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters. I will praise you among your assembled people. He also said I will put my trust in him. That is, I and the children God has given me, because God's children are human beings made of flesh and blood. The Son also became flesh and blood, for only as a human being could he die and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had power of death. Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.

Speaker 1:

We also know that the Son did not come to help angels. He came to help the descendants of Abraham. Therefore, it was necessary for him to be made in every respect like us, his brothers and sisters, so that he could be our merciful and faithful high priest before God. Then he could offer a Wow. Can I tell you that in the Bible there's almost no more clear explanation of why Jesus became human. Notice how he said the people that he wanted to save were the humans made of flesh and blood. So the son became flesh and blood in order to save us.

Speaker 1:

But the point that I want to bring us home to here as we get ready to end, is the last verse says this since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested. What an amazing and powerful promise. Because he himself has gone through testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested. You know what that means. That means that Jesus understands. That means that he knows what it's like to suffer. Well, pastor, he was never married, he had never had kids. I get that. But what are the base level problems we experience when we experience pain, loss, disappointment, betrayal, anger, fear those base level emotions? The Bible says he himself has gone through suffering and testing. There's a place that says in all points he was tested and tried. But then it says he is able to help us. You know why? Because he understands.

Speaker 1:

Can I tell you something I love about God? I love that God didn't just shout his love from heaven, but he came down to earth, he put on flesh and blood and he walked among us. And what I love about that is, while he was fully God, he was also fully man. That means he experienced everything. He knows what it's like when somebody's running late and that's frustrating. He knows what it's like when you're the one running late. You know like. He probably ran late at least once for something. Maybe he couldn't help, just so that he could experience it, right. I don't know how that works. He knows what it's like to be betrayed because Judas betrayed him. He knows what it's like for his family to turn against him. He knows what it's like for his family to turn against him. He knows what it's like for his closest friends to run out on him when he needed them the most. He knows what it's like to be exhausted. We know that because there was a place where there was a storm all around them in a boat and Jesus fell asleep. You know how exhausted you got to be to fall asleep in a storm.

Speaker 1:

Jesus was tested in every way. So when you come to him, there's no pain or problem. You can go through that. Jesus goes. I don't get why you have a problem with this. No, no, every one of them. He goes oh man, yeah, I remember that. Oh yeah, that's a hard one that one hurts. Come talk to me about it, because Jesus understands.

Speaker 1:

And so today, this is the hope that I want to leave us with. No matter what you're going through, jesus gets it. In this life, there's going to be things that we don't truly understand. There are certain things that you're going to go through. I'm not going to understand because I've never walked through that situation. There's things I'm going to go through you're not going to understand because you've never walked through that situation. But Jesus understands. He's not mad at you, he's not vengeful toward you. That was satisfied on the cross.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says in John 3, 17,. Jesus came to help and to put the world right again. So if you've said recently you don't understand to somebody, realize that you can't ever say that to Jesus because he does. And so today, maybe it's time to go to prayer and talk to someone who truly understands. Let's pray together right now. God, thank you so much for today. Thank you that you understand. Thank you that in this life there's going to be moments and there's going to be times when people are not going to get it. They're just not going to know, but you always know.

Speaker 1:

I pray today, god, for maybe someone who's hurting, maybe for someone who feels isolated, for someone who feels like they're all alone because they don't know anybody who can share this pain or this problem. Lord, to realize that you get it, and so I pray today that your presence will just wrap your arms around them and help them to know that there's nothing they can walk through that you don't understand. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. You know, god's word says in Hebrews, chapter 12, verse 1 and 2,. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge cloud of witnesses of this life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion, who initiates and perfects our faith. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow. For Hebrews, chapter three.

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